
< The Hidden Costs of Cheap Software Development:Why Quality Should Always Be a Priority />

Join Wayne Steedman of Hooligan Development as he unveils firsthand the pitfalls of opting for cheap, bulk-oriented dev houses.

The Hidden Costs of Cheap Software Development: Why Quality Should Always Be a Priority

Choosing the right development house for your project is like finding the perfect partner – looking beyond the surface and focusing on what truly matters is essential. At Hooligan Development, we've seen firsthand the pitfalls of opting for cheap, bulk-oriented dev houses. Today, we're sharing our insights to help you make informed decisions and avoid the hidden costs of cheap software development.

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Understanding Your Project Needs

Before diving into the world of software development, take a moment to understand what's crucial for your project. Are you dealing with user data that requires high-level security? If so, choosing a dev house that prioritises speed over security could be costly. Not all dev houses are created equal, and some are more focused on churning out projects quickly rather than ensuring top-notch quality and security.

Quality vs. Cost: The Development Triangle

You've probably heard the saying, "You get what you pay for," which also rings true in software development. Imagine a triangle where you can choose two out of three options: quick, good, or cheap. Balancing these factors is crucial. Opting for the cheapest development option may seem tempting, but it often compromises quality and functionality.

The True Cost of Cheap Projects

While cheap development might save you money upfront, it often comes with hidden costs down the line. The cost of fixing and rebuilding poorly developed projects can be twice as high as investing in quality development from the start. It's not just about the initial price tag; it's about your project's long-term value and success.

The Pitfalls of Cheap Dev Houses

Choosing a cheap dev house can lead to a variety of challenges, including:

1. Inherited Code: We've seen projects where code is copy-pasted from one project to another, resulting in functionality issues and additional development time.

2. Irrelevant Code Debugging becomes a nightmare when a significant portion of the code is irrelevant or doesn't work as intended. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack!

3. Increased Development Time Fixing and rewriting poor-quality code can significantly slow development, leading to delays and increased costs.

Invest in Quality, Not Just Price

At Hooligan Development, we believe in delivering quality solutions tailored to our clients' needs. We've inherited projects from dev houses prioritising quantity over quality and see the frustration and stress it causes. Our advice? Invest in a reputable, competent development partner who understands your project requirements and prioritises quality and expertise.


Choosing the right development house is a crucial decision that can impact the success of your project. While cheap development might seem cost-effective, it often leads to hidden costs, poor quality, and frustration. By prioritising quality over price and choosing a development partner that aligns with your project's needs, you can avoid these pitfalls and set your project up for success.

At Hooligan Development, we're passionate about delivering high-quality software solutions that meet our clients' needs. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced development partner, contact us today to learn how we can help bring your project to life. Don't let the allure of cheap development cost you more in the long run – invest in quality and experience the difference with Hooligan Development. We hope this advice column helps you decide better when choosing a development house for your next project. Remember, quality should always be a priority! If you have any questions or need assistance with your software development needs, please get in touch with us at Hooligan Development. We're here to help!

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