< 7 Tips to build a Successful Mobile App That fosters strong Conversations />

Over 61% of mobile phone owners around the world accessed the internet from their mobile devices in 2018.

Consumers are increasingly turning towards mobile apps to engage with brands they love. So, it comes as no surprise that businesses are investing in mobile-friendly platforms even more in 2019. tips-to-build-a-successfull-mobile-app-bg.jpg

Why Modern Businesses Can Benefit From a Mobile App

Research shows that consumers spend 69% of their media time on their smartphones – and 50% of that time is devoted to mobile apps. This proves that investing in a strategic mobile app can reach vast audiences effectively.

There are several benefits that mobile apps uniquely offer, including:

  • A direct marketing channel for customers.
  • A dedicated platform that solves consumer problems.
  • A distraction-free interface that encourages conversions without the distractions of the greater Internet.
  • And more!

Compared to browsing the internet on a traditional responsive site, mobile app users have a specific reason to use a mobile app. After all, they need to consciously make the decision to A). download it, and B). open it and use it. Therefore, clients know that consumers who download an app are ready to take action -- whatever that action may be. That is one particularly poignant reason why mobile app conversion rates are considerably high. Mobile apps can also provide a strong return on investment, especially over time. So, brands should conduct extensive research to determine whether or not they specifically will benefit from investing in a dedicated application.

The 4 Steps of End-To-End Mobile App Solutions

Building a mobile app isn’t just about designing an interface or writing a few lines of code. Instead, clients (like you!) need to find mobile app developers – such as Hooligan Development – who can provide end-to-end mobile app solutions.

Whether you’re creating your app in-house or enlisting the help of a mobile app development company, the process of design, development, and launch is the same. It includes:

1. Determine the Goals

Before a mobile app design and development agency can begin creating an app, the client first needs to understand their goals and objectives. Clients should conduct market research, identify objectives, and create a strategy to give consumers what they want and reach their business goals in one fell swoop.

2. Design the Interface

After the client understands their goals and the strategy that will help them achieve them, a tech firm will need to design the app. This includes building a wireframe (which outlines the structure of the platform and corresponding features), creating storyboards (which showcase what the interface, navigation and user journey will look like to consumers), and test the app prototypes continuously.

3. Build the Functionalities

After the platform is designed, app developers code the features outlined in the wireframe and key functionalities. Experts also outline the technologies that could be used within the platform and test the app continually to make sure it works properly.

4. Launch & Maintain the App

Finally, once a mobile app is designed and developed, clients will take it live with the help of a top-rated mobile app team. These experts will ensure the go-live is smooth and seamless and will work with clients to ensure the mobile app maintains a flawless level of performance.

7 Mobile App Design & Development Best Practices

Creating a well-branded mobile app that fosters a strong conversion rate is a tedious task. However, there are a few simple tips that Hooligan Development suggests to ensure your mobile platform achieves your goals.

These include:

  1. Respect the Platform Guidelines. Distributing a mobile app for Apple’s App Store, Google Play, or another platform will require you to follow certain rules – and each platform will likely have different guidelines. Ensure you reference each specific platform’s regulations on items like content, security regulations, monetization guidelines and more to keep in good standing with each app distribution platform.
  2. Maintain a Consistent Brand Identity on All Platforms. A consistent brand identity across all channels can increase revenue by up to 23%. Ensure that your mobile app’s visual identity, branding, user flow, and interface are consistent with your website.
  3. Simplicity is Best. In order to create a simple user journey that cultivates strong conversions, keep your content and interface elements to a minimum on your app.
  4. Deploy UX Techniques Like Progressive Disclosure. Progressive disclosure is an interactive design technique used to maintain a user's maximum focus and reduce cognitive workload. Essentially, it organizes the user interface design and reduces clutter by sequencing steps. By employing techniques like this, clients can improve the user interface and efficiency of use.
  5. Design Large Clickable Buttons. Remember, your users will be viewing your app on their phone and using their hands to engage with your brand. Design any actionable elements so they are easy to click on (think large text and big buttons) and take care to avoid accidental clicks that will deter users from your goal.
  6. Think About the User’s Experience. As you’re designing your mobile app, remember the elements that your users will actually want and need to use. Then, keep those in plain sight at all times. For example, all-important options like back, delete, select, calls to action and so on should be readily accessible to the user.
  7. Make It Personal. You can engage consumers further by offering a personalized experience. In fact, a study from Hubspot found that personalized calls to action had 202% better conversion rates than template CTAs. You can make it easy for yourself by keeping user records of past searches, past purchases, locations and more.

Which Industries Benefit The Most From A Mobile App?

Although almost any company can benefit from a mobile app (when executed properly), here are a few industries that tend to see the biggest boost from mobile apps.

These include:

  • eCommerce
  • Hospitality
  • Food Services
  • Travel
  • Entertainment
  • Healthcare
  • Transportation
  • Social networking

These suggestions coincide with Statista’s data, which places entertainment, travel, and food and drink as some of the most downloaded mobile app industries. These industries fare particularly well with mobile apps because there is both a clear demand from audiences and a path to revenue.

A smartphone is a convenient and fast way to connect with the customer – and a smartphone loaded with app becomes an on-the-go 24/7 assistant. Because of mobile apps, players from the above-mentioned industries are able to penetrate new markets.

In those particular industries, mobile apps empower brands to build a loyal relationship with customers while enhancing brand awareness and increasing visibility. This allows them to continually connect with their audience and encourage constant conversions. But remember – with the right market research and business plan, any professional app has the potential to be successful. You know your audience best – just make sure it fills a need that will help them. istock-961742458-content.jpg

What Makes Custom Application Development a Need of the Hour?

Today, from a small organization to a blue-chip multinational corporation, businesses of all kinds require a custom mobile application to improve customer relationships, increase employee productivity, and streamline business operations.

In custom mobile applications, the UI/UX can be tailored, tested, and validated to meet the customer’s requirements and can quickly adapt to the changing market needs. Not only for conversion purposes, but custom mobile apps also have the ability to suit the business’ in-house activities because of inventive and individual procedures. With a custom mobile application, you can:

  1. Use it as a tool for in-house project management, customer relationship management (CRM), and to track productivity.
  2. Measure user interactions and gain insight on customer’s journey with custom analytics integrations.

Before you decide to build a custom mobile application for your business, we first suggests that you do your homework. Understand your competitors’ mobile presence, your industry, market, target audience, and specific goals. Then, decide whether or not a mobile app will actually help you achieve some of those objectives. If it will, then start working on your app’s functionalities and business model.

You should be very clear about the value that your app will deliver.


Although the act of building a custom app is complex, the reality is that – when researched, designed and developed properly – a mobile app can improve your brand’s bottom line and have positive long-term effects.

Mobile platforms and apps help to reach potential customers and enhance the experience of your existing customer base. Your brand can improve customer engagement, which, in turn, improves your profit margins and helps you stay ahead of the competition.

Just follow these simple tips and you’ll be sure to create a successful mobile app that will engage customers and increase your conversion rates quickly.

  1. Adhere to platform guidelines.
  2. Maintain a consistent brand identity.
  3. In terms of aesthetics, less is more.
  4. Include easy-to-use elements.
  5. Design for the user.
  6. Incorporate personalization.

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