< 7 Common myths about DevOps />

DevOps is the shortened form of Software Development and IT Operations. Rather than a defined methodology, it is an informal term for all sorts of practices, tools, and philosophies that allow organizations to streamline their software development process and deliver, evolve and improve their products and services at a higher velocity.

First coined in 2009, the concept of DevOps has seen a rapid rise in popularity in recent years. However, just as with any term that becomes too popular, misconceptions and myths associated with it naturally tend to arise. In this article, we will be looking at and debunking 7 common myths about DevOps.

1. You Can Hire a DevOps Specialist

First of all, there is no such thing as a DevOps Specialist/Strategist/Engineer. Anyone who claims to be one likely doesn’t understand the concept or is lying. All notable companies that successfully implemented DevOps (Etsy, Facebook, Flickr) did so without hiring some person of such a position. Remember, DevOps is about achieving synergy between your company’s developers and IT operators. You already have employees for this job – they are called ‘managers.

2. Continuous Delivery and DevOps Are the Same Things

Continuous delivery and DevOps are often conflated with many assuming that they are the same thing. However, while they may share some similarities, there are also some differences. For one, DevOps is much broader in scope. Whereas in continuous delivery, the core focus is on the acceleration of the software cycle and delivery, the focus of DevOps also centers on cultural change, fostering a work environment that opens the way for greater collaborations and communications between the involved teams or departments.

3. DevOps and Software Adoption

A worrying trend nowadays is of companies putting too much of their faith in the implementation of the latest technology; seeing it as the silver bullet for achieving continuous innovation and improvements in work processes. This misbelief is also perpetuated to DevOps implementation. Simply the adoption of certain tools doesn’t make you DevOps.

Rather, for the process to succeed, it also entails a shift in work culture, policies, and the overall mindset within the organization. To use an analogy of a computer, no matter how good its hardware (technology) is, it will still perform terribly if its software (culture/mindset) is not up to par.

4. Attending Conferences or Getting Certification Means You Can Implement DevOps

Can a person instantly learn to drive a car just by watching some YouTube tutorials? No, that would be absurd; learning to drive properly takes practice. Similarly attending a few conferences or getting an AWS certification on DevOps won’t translate you to being successfully able to implement DevOps in your organization.

It requires a change in established mindset, workflows, and getting employees out of their comfort zone to embrace the new – these are all things that happen slow and requires prior experience in managing and overseeing such processes. Conferences and certifications are great for remaining up to date with the latest ideas and best practices but achieving DevOps will require a great deal of people’s skill as well as technical know-how.

5. DevOps is Only for SaaS Companies

While it originally originated and was implemented in mostly Software-as-a-Service companies, it doesn’t mean that the adoption of the concept is fruitful for non-SaaS software companies.

Nowadays, being able to quickly and reliably provide the latest version of the software is essential for success for a software company of any time. Not only is this because of the heightened risk of cybercriminals constantly trying to exploit vulnerabilities but also because today’s digital consumers are now used to frequent and continuous enhancements of their existing products.

6. Only Unicorns Require DevOps

Quite a majority of unicorn software companies feature DevOps which leads to some mistakenly assuming that it only these big players that need it. However, the truth is that these companies did not implement DevOps because they are big, but rather, they are big because they implemented DevOps.

Remember, at the end of the day, the success of any company is reliant on creating continuous value for its customers. DevOps is one of the means of doing so, regardless of at which stage of growth a company might be.

7. DevOps is Only for Developers and Operators.

Automation of processes, enhanced commutations, and a culture of collaboration – all of the aspects central to the concept of DevOps is not something that is limited to the benefit of your software development and IT operation departments. The adoption of the approach can be highly advantageous to your non-technical staff as well, such as between sales, marketing, and tech support.

Struggling to Implement DevOps in Your Organization?

Without argue, the implementation of any new approach into your organization can be a difficult process. It can be all the more difficult when you are unable to find a software that fits exactly to your organization needs for the matter. Hooligan Development is a dynamic development house based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We specialize in the development of fully custom applications and websites for organizations large or small and have a knack for DevOps interventions. For more information, check out our services page or our case studies page.

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